The Short Version

Amity writes fantasy for young adults. While she can’t seem to stick to one fantasy subgenre (fairytales, dragons, dark fantasy, everything is possible), all of her stories feature a heroine who discovers not only her purpose in her world but who uncovers truths buried in her own heart. When not writing, Amity takes care of four delightful daughters and daydreams of taking an uninterrupted nap. If she couldn’t be a mom and author, Amity would be a stormchaser due to a lifelong love of lightning and a fascination with tornadoes. Growing up in Kansas will do that to you.
The Long Version
Amity began writing at age four, her first ‘novel’ written on a toy typewriter about a ghost too scared to scare people. Becoming an author became the sole ambition of her life at age eleven, when she read The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley and fell in love with the fantasy genre (and Robin McKinley became her hero).
At age 15, she finished Blue Fire and sent it to Tor’s slush where it was rightfully but kindly rejected. Enter a period of distraction with boys then college; after she graduated, her husband Dave insisted she rework Blue Fire and pursue her dreams. She rewrote the manuscript while they lived in Sendai, Japan, and upon returning to the states she continued to develop her craft.
In 2011, Amity had her first baby and discovered she loved being a mom. That same year she signed with an agent. The family grew, but ultimately publishing in NY did not work out. When her eldest turned five, Amity decided to try out homeschooling and found a new passion and talent.
Thanks to her determined husband, an inner love of stories, and a desire to avoid therapy, Amity never stopped writing. In 2019 she independently published Unseen Beauty and it met with success. Next she released Blue Fire, the book that started her journey, and it did even better. It’s safe to say there’s no turning back now. Today Amity continues to write, homeschool, and hang out with the best guy ever. She lives in Kansas, United States, with her four daughters, husband, and fluffy cat.